Tuesday, January 8, 2008

Hey Everyone

Hello everyone, It's been a while since I have gotten a chance to post and a lot has happened between this time. I actually deleted my orc Atsukag. I worked more on my night elf hunter. The level 45-57 was a drag and took me a long time to do. Plus I quit WoW for two months after getting bored of the same thing on him. But now he is in outlands and it is FUN! The quests are ten times better than quests in Azeroth. Hellfire pennisula was fun because it was a lot better than azeroth but as soon as I got a taste of Zangermarsh I did not want to stop playing there. I was questing from level 61-63 with a couple of my friends who I have known for a long time. But now I have to force myself to do the hellfire quests before they become green. I have decided to take a break on my hunter and make a druid on a different server. It was a lot of fun and there weren't any ex-guildies bothering me. After a while though it got lonely and all. That's when I started on the private realms. It is so much more fun than the regular realms because it has about 10x the XP than regular realms. There is also a 10x drop increase so the weapons and other items drop easier. I made a Dwarf Priest that is currently only level 27 but I am leveling up so I can expierience outlands on a differant class. So there is the catch up on what my life has been like in the last few monthes. I also have been playing my Wii alot more and other games. I even started to play Dungeons and Dragons which was alot of fun. My friends and I have a good campaign going that we plan to keep up. Well I hope that I am able to post more in the next few monthes. Hope you all had a happy holidays.