Today my friend Mason and I had a little fun with the horde in Eversong Woods. After finally making it through Tirisfal Glades, Western Plaguelands, And Eastern Plaguelands we saw the "light" of The Ghostlands. After running through level 55 mobs believe me, it was light. We got a few horde to notice we were there in the ghostlands but we just made our way right to Eversong Woods. There wasn't much action in the ghostlands. Once we were the forest of Eversong we went into the area near ghostlands and killed some NPCs and Quest givers. After a while this got boring and we wanted some real PvP action. So I made a BE to be a spy and told the Level 1s that my if we all went against my level 70 friend we would kill him. So about 10 level 1s flagged and tryed to kill him. It was funny to watch them go down so quickly. After doing this a couple times a level 60 and a level 64 came over. They watched us a while and killed him a couple times. Eventually we got bored and went out of there. We went a while before we looked back. We werent on our nightsabers until we realized that the 2 of them were after us. We went off quickly until we reached the Ghostlands again. They were still behind us. We decided to split up. The level 64 went after me. After a while we both unflagged and just sat down and did emotes at each other. I got bored of this and went to attack an NPC but as soon as I did this the Tauren attacked me. I was dead in seconds. Below are some pictures of this going on. I hope you enjoyed this story about PvPing in the Eversong Woods.

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